teaching students to love and pursue what is true, good, and beautiful.
classical education.
Age Appropriate Learning
Classical education is defined by three stages of learning: grammar, logic, and rhetoric - often called the Trivium.
Grammar - Grades K-5 learn facts through song, recitation, and activities that are enjoyable and natural for young children. This lays the building blocks for all learning.
Logic - Grades 6-8 emphasize logic and critical thinking, training students to reason and argue well.
Rhetoric - We aspire to grow to offer grades 9-12, which focus on communicating with eloquence in both speech and writing, and allows students to work out their ideas through research and debate.
Educating the whole person
The intention of a classical education is to affect the whole person by providing a well-rounded liberal arts education. The curriculum emphasizes the Trivium of grammar, logic, and rhetoric, as well as the study of Latin, Math, Science, and the fine arts.
Students read classic literature and study the foundations of western civilization, gaining wisdom and insight from the past. They also gain an appreciation for the arts by learning about and experiencing the best music and art that history has to offer.
Classical education teaches a child how to think.
Even if not explicitly stated, all education uses a set of beliefs and values that form and shape students, and ultimately the culture. At Northstar, we understand the weight of this responsibility and embrace education understanding that everything that is true, good and beautiful finds its foundation in the person and work of Jesus Christ.
We teach and uphold traditional Christian morality, and believe Scripture to be the divinely inspired word of God. Our teachers strive to be models of Christ to the students through word and deed.
Christian education directs a child in Whom to believe.